Service advantages
Functional roles
Администратор / Супервайзер

Detailed information
Depending on your chosen role (Subscriber, Administrator or Supervisor), you can receive information and/or carry out operations with subscribers’ services yourself.
Access to the Personal Account for the Subscriber role is provided automatically.
You can check the availability of the service by sending a USSD request *141*3*6# call.
Connection of extended access to the Personal Account "Administrator" and/or "Supervisor" is carried out in the following way:
Step 1: Fill out an application for “Granting access to the Personal Account” on the company’s letterhead;
Step 2: Send it to A1 the most convenient way for you:
- via email to the official address;
- via one of the messengers: Viber or Telegram;
- to A1 stores;
- through A1 dealers centers.
Step 3: After connecting the service, set a password in one of the following ways:
For mobile subscribers:
- USSD *141*0# call;
- Request a password via SMS;
- Indicate the PUK1 of the SIM-card – if the service Personal Account | Registration by PUK1 is available (it is connected automatically on tariff plans for the Internet).
For fixed line subscribers:
- identification data (login and password) are provided at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
Register on the website:
Step 1: Select the category of services for which you need information: Mobile communications or Internet for home and office.
Step 2: When choosing the Mobile communications category, click “register”. A window will appear for entering the phone number and identification type (SMS, PUK1, USSD). After selecting, follow the prompts.
When choosing the Internet for home and office category, click “register”. A window will appear for entering the personal account and identification type (SMS, E-mail).
A temporary login password will be sent to the customer’s previously provided contact details. After logging in, you need to change the password to a permanent one.
For subsequent authorization, enter your login and password.
If necessary, you can recover your password through the “Forgot your password?” field.
If necessary, you can recover your password through the “Forgot your password?” field.
If access to the Personal Account was previously disabled at the request of the Subscriber/Administrator/Supervisor, then to resume using the Personal Account, you need to:
Step 1: send a USSD request *141*3*6# call;
Step 2: in response, enter the PUK1 code of your SIM card;
Step 3: register using the link; You can check the availability of the service by sending a USSD *141*3*6# call.
All actions performed via the Personal Account are equated to actions performed by the client personally in accordance with and on the terms of the contract.
The Subscriber/Administrator/Supervisor is personally responsible for keeping their Password safe. In the event of its disclosure, the Subscriber/Administrator/Supervisor is obliged to immediately inform the Company about it for emergency blocking of access to the Personal Account by contacting the 150 information service, or upon the Client’s application.
To resume access to the Personal Account, the Subscriber must contact the Administrator/Supervisor. If the access to the Personal Account was closed for the Administrator/Supervisor, then access is renewed based on the client’s application.
The procedure for granting access to the Personal Account is available at the link.