Promised Payment | Financial services | Services | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Promised Payment

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Promised payment 1.0

    0,75 RUB one-time fee

    Promised payment 2.0

      1,5 RUB one-time fee

      Promised Payment Pro

        2,5 RUB one-time fee

        "Promised Payment 1.0", "Promised Payment 2.0" and "Promised Payment Pro" (hereinafter referred to as the service) is an opportunity to use communication services:

        - for customers who have concluded a Contract for the provision of services over a fixed–line network - if there is debt on the balance sheet and/or if the last regular bill is not paid.

        - for customers who have signed a Contract for the provision of telecommunication services (except for prepaid tariff plans) – if there is debt on the balance sheet and/or if the last two regular bills are not paid.

        "Promised payment 1.0" – the possibility of registering payments in the amount of up to 50 rubles inclusive;

        "Promised payment 2.0" - registration of payment in the amount above 50 rubles and up to 100 rubles inclusive;

        "Promised payment Pro" - registration of payment in the amount above 100 rubles and up to 200 rubles inclusive.The service is valid for 10 calendar days. The service automatically terminates on the eleventh day from the date of registration.

        The service is provided to customers – individuals, citizens of the Republic of Belarus who have concluded an Agreement on the provision of telecommunication services / an agreement on the provision of services over a fixed-line network

        - in the My A1 application;

        - in your Personal Account and in other self-service systems provided by the company;