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Service centers
Service center
Time saving
When you call the service center, you save time: you do not need to wait for the equipment to be transported from the A1 sales center to the service center and back.
When you call the service center, you save time: you do not need to wait for the equipment to be transported from the A1 sales center to the service center and back.
Service center
Extended range of services
The service center provides device repair services in case of detection of non-warranty malfunction.
The service center provides device repair services in case of detection of non-warranty malfunction.
A1 branded center (excluding TV repair requests)
SMS notification
A1 will notify you by SMS about the time of return of equipment from the service center.
A1 will notify you by SMS about the time of return of equipment from the service center.
A1 branded center (excluding TV repair requests)
Replacement equipment
For the period of repair or replacement, at the request of a client - an individual, replacement equipment can be provided (within 3 days from the date of transfer of the equipment to the A1 sales center).
For the period of repair or replacement, at the request of a client - an individual, replacement equipment can be provided (within 3 days from the date of transfer of the equipment to the A1 sales center).