Great discounts and accessories for 1 kopeck for the buyers of HUAWEI Y8p at A1 | Deals | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Great discounts and accessories for 1 kopeck for the buyers of HUAWEI Y8p at A1

Promo description

A1 offers a stylish and popular HUAWEI Y8p smartphone at a very attractive price. Furthermore, the buyers will be able to choose an accessory they can get for just 1 kopeck: an USB Type-C adapter or HUAWEI AM115 earphones.


A discount of up to 80 rubles will be provided to subscribers of tariffs with a subscription fee not lower than that of the Start tariff. And subscribers of tariff plans with a subscription fee not lower than that of the Comfort M tariff will get an even bigger discount of 120 rubles and up.


The discounts will be valid both when purchasing the device in a single payment and when buying on an installment plan of up to 24 months. Clients from among private entities purchasing devices in A1 stores, including the company virtual store, will be eligible for a discount. Once a purchase is made, the buyer will receive an SMS containing a promo code that allows them to get an USB Type-C adapter or HUAWEI AM115 earphones for 1 kopeck!


Find out more from video experts of the company virtual store, as well as on A1's official pages on social media, such as Facebook, Vkontakte, and Odnoklassniki, through an online chat on the website, as well as via the following single contact center number: 150.