Unlimited minutes within A1 network | Minutes and texts | Services | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Minute packages (prepaid plan)

Select a tariff and connect

Unlimited minutes to all networks

    Unlimited minutes within A1 network

      300 minutes within A1 network

        150 minutes to all networks

          50 minutes to all networks for 30 days

            5 min inside the network

              For the tariff «Na sviazy»
              The service is unavailable for the plan.

              10 min on-net

                For the tariff «Na sviazy»
                The service is unavailable for the plan.

                20 min on-net

                  For the tariff «Na sviazy»
                  The service is unavailable for the plan.

                  5 минут в другие сети на 30 дней

                    For the tariff «Na sviazy»
                    The service is unavailable for the plan.

                    Detailed information

                    • Tariff Na sviazy: Packages of minutes within the network (5/10/20 minutes) are spent after the minutes included in the tariff plan or in the activated package of services for 7 or 30 days.
                    • Tariffs Bez pereplat: A package of 50 minutes to all networks is consumed after the minutes included in the tariff plan. A package of 5 minutes to other networks is consumed after the minutes included in the tariff plan or in the activated service package for 7 or 30 days.
                    • Package availability period is 30 days w/automatic disconnection; unused traffic will be rest to zero;
                    • Service fee will be written off lump sum in full; traffic will be fully available when activated;
                    • Service traffic will not be used in roaming, on short numbers or numbers requiring special fee either.
                    • Connection of additional packages of minutes is available at current and archived prepaid tariffs.

                    You can connect to/ disconnect from the service using one of the options below

                    • USSD *126*2# call;
                    • via My A1;
                    • the site www.а1.by;
                    • applications «My A1» 

                    To view traffic left on additional package, dial *120*3# call.