Bargain price: buy iPhone 11 and 12 at a discount in А1 | Deals | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Bargain price: buy iPhone 11 and 12 at a discount in А1

Promo description

A1 stores have reduced prices on smartphones of the popular Apple brand. Now, if you buy an iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 in one payment, you can save up to 800 rubles. And when buying in installments of up to 24 months, the maximum savings will be 1200 rubles.


The full list and prices of smartphones can be found in the table below or in the А1 online store.



Single payment price before promotion, rubles

Promotional single payment price, rubles

Discount, rubles

Monthly payment by installments for 24 months, rubles

iPhone 11 64GB


iPhone 11 128GB


iPhone 12 64GB


iPhone 12 128GB



Hurry up and get your iPhone 11 and 12 for a bargain price in А1!


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