Packages for international calls | Minutes and texts | Services | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Packages for international calls

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International 100

  • 100  minutes to the CIS countries and Europe

International 250

  • 250  minutes to the CIS countries and Europe


  • Available rates
  • optimal amount of minutes for free calls to CIS and Europe
  • possibility to plan monthly expences for calls abroad
  • possibility to activate the service when needed.


A1 International 100 or A1 International 250 are available if the International Calls are active.
The minutes included in the package are spent for calls to the CIS and European countries.
You will find categories of international calls and division of countries in How it works section.

You can activate and use only one of the services: either A1 International 100 or A1 International 250.
The package is provided for 30 days and is automatically prolonged for the following 30-day period.
The package cost is charged as a lump sum upon activation and further every 30 days.
If you change A1 International 100 to A1 International 250 or vice versa the previous package amount is canceled and the cost of the next package is charged in total. You can only use the minutes of the new package.
The service will not be disabled upon plan change if it is available for your new plan. In this case the remaining traffic will be transfered to the new plan.
If you use up the minutes of the package, calls to CIS and Europe will be charged according to the rates of your current plan.

The service is available for private and business customers if International Calls are enabled, with the exception of prepaid tariffs customers and customers with the following plans: Corporate 1000 Personal, My Company, Partner, BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum, WEB and Non-stop.

Управление услугой, получение информации о подключенных пакетах, остатке трафика доступно в приложении Мой А1Личном кабинете и иных системах самообслуживания, предусмотренных компанией.

Также подключить/отключить услугу можно по заявлению в центрах продаж и обслуживания компании или дилерских салонах.