Detailed information
To Change Contract Owner from private to another private individual:
the initial customer with and ID and a new customer with an ID jointly apply in a A1 center or in a dealer sales point.
To Change Contract Owner from private to a business customer:
the initial private customer with an ID and an application from a business customer applies in a A1 center or in a dealer sales point.
To Change Contract Owner from business to a private individual:
a new private customer with an ID and an application from a business customer applies in a A1 center or in a dealer sales point.
To Change Contract Owner from business to another business customer:
a representative of a new business customer with an application from the initial business customer and an application from a new business customer applies in a A1 center or in a dealer sales point.
In case a representative from a new business customer with an application from the initial business customer applies without an application from a new business customer, an ID and a power ot attorney is required from the representative.
In case a head of a legal entity applies as a representative of a new business customer , an application from the initial business customer, an ID, a document confirming the legal authority of the applicant and a company stamp are required.
• A legal reperesentative of a private customer can apply, upon production of an ID and an appropriate power of attorney.
• If a new customer is a legal entity which has never been a A1 customer, additional documents may be required.
- В случае, если клиент-физическое лицо является директором этого же юридического лица и заявление с документами на переоформление подписаны иным лицом (бухгалтером, заместителем и т.д.), то доверенность на право подписи прилагается к подписанным документам.
- Переоформление осуществляется в течение 24 часов после подписания необходимых документов и оплаты счета Новым клиентом (для клиентов, оплачивающих услуги связи по предоплате).
- The service is not provided to prepaid tariffs .
- Contacrt change is unavailable in case:
- the initial customer is a legal entity which was liquidated,
- death of the initial pivate customer, o the initial customer used a number transfered from another network.
- the initial customer has obligations under a purchase additional agreement, a possibility of contract change is defined by the conditions of the additional agreement.
- A new customer cannot keep an archive plan of the initial customer. A new customer should choose another plan active on the contract change date.
A1 private and business customers.
До регистрации переоформления в биллинговой системе расчетов все начисления за услуги связи подлежат оплате Первоначальным клиентом. Оплата услуг «Международный роуминг» / SMS-роуминг производится Первоначальным клиентом по мере поступления информации об их использовании от роуминг-партнеров (но не позднее 30 дней с момента переоформления). Новый клиент оплачивает взнос за переоформление, согласно действующим тарифам, и вносит предоплату согласно тарифному плану (для клиентов, оплачивающих услуги связи по предоплате).