Remote office: А1 Unitary Enterprise offered a solution for remote workplace organization | News | About company

Remote office: А1 Unitary Enterprise offered a solution for remote workplace organization

A1 Unitary Enterprise presented a new solution for remote workplace organization, called Remote office. The comprehensive solution will help companies that had to transfer their employees to a remote mode of operation in the context of the coronavirus pandemic to manage all the necessary business processes.


Recognizing the critical importance of telecommunication services and taking into account the decrease in the mobility of the country's population, A1 offers its corporate clients reliable business solutions for transferring all processes to the "online" mode. Remote Office from A1 includes three service bundles designed to organize the effective work of a team of both small and large company employees outside the office:


  • For the remote work of the employees
    This package proposes the organization of remote workplaces for the employees. At the same time, A1 experts guarantee maximum security of access to corporate data and information exchange between employees, additionally offering to create a virtual corporate network (VPN) and providing unlimited Internet via 3G/4G network for a remote workplace;
  • For remote business process management
    The bundle offers assessment tools used to evaluate the performance of the team's work. For example, A1 will help introduce SIP-telephony and the Bitrix24 CRM-system used to computerize business processes, schedule work and track relevant data on employees, clients and projects;
  • For effective communication in a suballocated team
    Using this bundle grants access to services that ensure effective communication between colleagues, regardless of their location. It allows to easily implement corporate mail powered by MS Exchange or, for instance, get tools for video conference and chat organization, as well as file and data exchange.


The Remote office offer from A1 allows for fast launching and flexible upscaling of telecommunication and program infrastructures essential for effective teamwork.


For more information on the contents of the bundles, click the link.