Belarusian Dialects on VOKA: a new film about uniqueness of the national dialects released for the International Mother Language Day | News | About company

Belarusian Dialects on VOKA: a new film about uniqueness of the national dialects released for the International Mother Language Day

A new documentary Belarusian Dialects is released on the eve of the International Mother Language Day. Anyone can watch it free of charge from anywhere in the world. After a premiere night it will stay available in the VOD section.


The film primarily contains materials screened during numerous research trips around the country for a special project of A1 and Onliner Language: How the Country Speaks, however, it has never been released before. Every episode of the film is dedicated to dialects of different regions of our country: Minsk, Vitebsk, Mogilev and Grodno areas as well as Eastern and Western Polesye.


Belarusian Dialects does not only narrate about differences and features of Belarusian dialects but can be also used as a training video material for teachers and linguistic students who have no capacity for studying the dialects during research tours across Belarus.



The script is written by Vadim Shklyarik, a candidate of philological sciences and senior research associate of Yakub Kolos Linguistic Institute under the National Academy of Sciences. The video is made by Aleksei Morozov and Alexei Nosov, animated by Andrei Maryanov. Technical support and administration of the project is organized by Maria Ivanova.


Documentary Belarusian Dialects is available free of charge on and VOKA mobile app from any device and in any operator’s network upon phone number authorization.