A1 launched a comprehensive service to maintain Open-Source databases within Managed Database | News | About company

A1 launched a comprehensive service to maintain Open-Source databases within Managed Database

A1 launched comprehensive technical support for business infrastructure based on Open-Source databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Neo4j, ClickHouse, Cassandra and other open source solutions.


The following services for Open-Source databases became available to customers within Managed Database:

  • Database audit
    Diagnosis and identification of vulnerabilities, causes of failures and accidents in the operation of databases, as well as the development of recommendations for their elimination and performance optimization.
  • Migration
    Transferring data from database management systems (DBMS) of other vendors to PostgreSQL.
  • Outsourcing of database administration
    Transfer by the customer of all or part of the database administration functions to A1 specialists.
  • Extended technical support
    Comprehensive DBMS maintenance service, which includes emergency recovery, preventive and expert types of service.
  • Proactive support
    Service for monitoring the health of systems with included work on resolving incidents.


Administered databases can be maintained both on the cloud resources of the A1 data center and on the customer's infrastructure. In the event that the tasks of maintaining and administering databases are entrusted to the A1 team, the IT department of the customer company retains the ability to set tasks and control the implementation of the necessary work. As part of the service, the user may request monthly reports with recommendations for troubleshooting.


New services allow you to analyze the operation of customer information systems, as well as evaluate their performance, provide recommendations for upgrading and ensuring protection, help in solving emerging problems, optimize requests that increase the load on servers, and much more. And the long-term expertise of A1 specialists is an additional guarantee of high quality work.


You can get advice and apply for the service by writing to sales@a1data.by.