Improving energy efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint and managing waste: A1 presented its Environmental Policy for 2021–2025 | News | About company

Improving energy efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint and managing waste: A1 presented its Environmental Policy for 2021–2025

A1 has approved its environmental policy for 2021 – 2025. The company has developed and adopted an official document outlining its basic principles and obligations in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety. The new policy will affect all aspects of A1's activities as since 2020 the environment protection has become one of the company's priorities in the field of corporate social responsibility.

To minimize the impact on the environment, A1 within the Environmental. Social. Governance (ESG) direction has identified specific goals and objectives that the company plans to achieve from 2021 to 2025 in three main areas: energy efficiency, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing the waste.


Among the initiatives that the company considers there is the use of renewable energy sources for its own needs, the use of settings for servicing communication networks in order to improve energy efficiency, the reduction in the fleet of vehicles, as well as the transition to the use of electric cars, optimization of separate waste collection in offices and sales centers, transfer of internal and external document flow to the electronic format.


– At a global level A1 strives to minimize environmental impact through the use of energy-efficient systems and settings for operation of telecommunication networks and their components, reduce carbon footprint when using renewable energy sources, alongside with wise resource and waste management, which ultimately leads to tangible environmental impacts. We believe that every step in this direction, big and small, helps us reach the common goal, and we strive to inspire our employees, customers and everyone who cares about the world we are going to leave for future generations with the idea of respect for nature and sustainable behavior. In turn, we hope that our aspiration and actions will contribute to the common environmental efforts and A1 will become a role model for other businesses in Belarus, – said Helmut Duhs, A1 CEO.


The full version of A1 Environmental Policy is available on the official website of the company.