Eco discount from A1: trade in old gadgets at A1 and buy a new one with benefits | News | About company

Eco discount from A1: trade in old gadgets at A1 and buy a new one with benefits

From 4 to 30 November A1 offers a “green” discount for smartphones and accessories. Participation in the activity requires a trade in of at least two old devices for further utilization. Participants of the activity can benefit up to BYN 100.


The amount of the discount depends on the number of traded gadgets: BYN 20 for two, BYN 50 for three, BYN 70 for four and BYN 100 for five unneeded devices. In exchange to donated devices participants take advantage of a special promo code ECO upon purchase of new devices, i.e. smartphones and accessories.


The proposition is valid only at A1 stores. Dump phones, smartphones, tablets, smart watches and fitness bands are accepted in any technical condition. A new activity is an extension of the large-scale company initiative aimed at turning in old digital devices for further safe utilization.


A1 discount is provided on a single payment and by installments for 24 months. Non-customers who participate in the promo are offered a discount in case of a single payment only.


More details are available under the link and from video experts of company online store, on A1 official pages in social networks like Facebook, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, via online chat on as well as via contact centre upon dialing 150.