Data Control | Safety and security | Services | Mobile and fixed connection | Business

Data Control

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Data control

    0,00 BYN activation charge
    0,00 BYN/month regular payment
    A text message about the end of data included in the plan is a default features for all Comfort plans.

    Detailed information

    You will receive a text message about the end of data included in the plan or package, right before or right after you've used all your data.

    Calculation of remaining data may be delayed in time, therefore balance information may be renewed a while after a complete end of data included in your plan or package.

    Data Control text messages may be sent within 24 hours after the end of data allowance.

    A1 customers, both private and businesses, except for PRIVET customers.

    How to activate/deactivate:

    • via USSD *116#вызов;
    • via My A1;
    • via a call to 150 inquiry line;
    • via an application to a velcom center or in a dealer sales point (you'll need to provide your passport).