A1 will help children hospital for infectious diseases in acquisition of equipment and medication for treatment and diagnostics of COVID-19 | News | About company

A1 will help children hospital for infectious diseases in acquisition of equipment and medication for treatment and diagnostics of COVID-19

A1 will provide a charitable aid to city children hospital for infectious diseases, a medical institution that nowadays is engaged not only in medical care for children, but also for adult patients suffering from COVID-19. BYN 30 000 will be donated for acquisition of medical equipment and other medication necessary for timely diagnostics and treatment of coronavirus COVID – 19.


“According to global and Belarusian experience it’s not only about medical strategy and dedication of medical personnel but also technical facilities of medical institutions that plays a vital role in successful treatment of coronavirus. As a socially responsible company we believe it’s our duty to make a fair share of contribution through furnishing the hospital with modern technical facilities for treatment and diagnostics of coronavirus infection moreover when it is about children and their health”, - commented Nikolai Yushkevich, First Deputy General Director of A1.


These funds will be transferred to city hospital for infectious diseases and will be used for acquisition of equipment necessary for intensive care, PCR diagnostics, test systems for diagnostics of coronavirus and other medical equipment.


“COVID-19 remains a serious challenge to overcome which we need significant resources and efforts. And, unfortunately, this is a topical issue among children too. A donation from A1 is an additional opportunity to acquire intensive care equipment, facilities for lab diagnostics and medical aid to our little patients with coronavirus, protective outfit for medical personnel”, - noted Marina Sokolova, chief doctor of city hospital for infectious diseases.


A1 used to render a charitable aid to city hospital for infectious diseases through free of charge calls for Belarusian citizens to COVID-19 hot lines. Besides, A1 has equipped Belarusian doctors engaged in treatment of COVID-19 with smartphones and free of charge communications for urgent business matters and information exchange in coronavirus hot areas.